Truth Counts!

This week we are discussing the truth. Honesty is a concept that students of all ages can connect with. We learn from a young age that it is bad to tell a lie. Whether or not we practice being completely honest all of the time, we all know that being truthful is important. We don’t like when others are dishonest with us, we call others liars and feel as though they betray us, but we are much more forgiving when it comes to our own lies. 


When we discussed the importance of truth with the students we did not only look at it through the lens of truth versus lies. We also talked about the concept of their truth. It’s important that we are truthful, but it is also important that we understand our own truth. To be a good leader, you must be steadfast in your core values. Standing up for what you believe in can show that you are discerning and passionate and can win the respect of those around you. Maintaining your truth can demonstrate many admirable qualities of a leader like loyalty and virtue among other things. 


You might be reading this thinking that you don’t have a truth that stands out in your head. One thing that is true is that your truth will change as you grow. Much like your interests, your truth will grow with you. For some, their truth might be very apparent, while for others, their truth might take a more secondary position in their mind. Whether your truth is something that screams in your mind constantly, or it is more of an undertone, it does shape the way we approach the world around us. 


If you are still in search of your truth, that is fine, know that it is developing in the back of your mind. Your truth is being refined by the way you were raised, your values and ethics, and your life experiences. One day you will discover your truth and it can be something that shapes you. Beyond understanding and living your truth, you can practice being truthful with those around you. These facets together can make you a truly great leader.                               

-        Bria