A positive self-image is the first step toward reaching “the top” in life…regardless of what the end goal may be.  Without a belief in yourself, you cannot attack or conquer the obstacles that every person faces in this journey called “life.”

    “Confidence is the means by which you present yourself to the world, the continuous communication of the powerful you…Projecting confidence is largely a result of being in charge of the signals you send”  (Arleen LaBella and Dolores Leach : Personal Power).

    I am personally committed to helping our students gain self-confidence and a positive self-image because I had to deal with this aspect of my life the hard way.  I was one of the first female superintendents in our state, and I was very much aware that men did not view me or my position as very powerful.  I was also working closely with the State Department of Education in the time of a female state superintendent succeeding very popular male superintendents.  We both learned to let our actions speak for us…to walk the talk…and to produce positive results.  It was hard work, but well worth it.  Once we were finally viewed as having credibility, we were able to be on the front lines of bringing about change in education.

    I am, by nature, a quiet, reserved person.  I considered myself an introvert as a young teen and figured life would always pass by me because I grew up poor, not particularly pretty, and my parents did not even have a high school education.  Yet, when the St. Louis public schools selected me for the first class of gifted students back in the Sputnik era, my life began to change drastically!  I don’t know what my teacher(s) or principal saw in me that brought that recommendation for testing, but I shall always be grateful!

    My life changed greatly then…but I didn’t gain my confidence until I realized my worth in God’s sight.  God thought me so valuable that He laid down His life to save me.  I then adopted the Bible verse, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”  I have enjoyed over fifty years of helping students gain self-confidence and reaching their life goals.  

    My first goal was to help children to feel confident by making school a place where they could laugh, work, sing, and enjoy one another.  I worked hard to remove the old mantle of “sit quietly and do what the teacher says.”  I worked to make what was traditionally a girl’s place of excitement…likewise a place where little boys could romp, explore, and investigate all the neat things of life!  I have refused to have a school environment where children could not hug their teachers and vice-versa.  And to my delight, I’ve seen confidence and positive self-esteem begin to grow.  Oh yes, there have been hits and misses.  No one has a perfect world.  With each new class of children, there are new challenges and needs to be met.  Creative problem solving has become the backbone of our school.

    As I hire teachers and replace those who move on to other places, I try hard to find those who have a personal zest for living.  I try to find those who felt a “calling” to teach…not just a “great job for hours coinciding with their children’s school days.”  It is then I start teaching and mentoring them to adopt those ways for making children feel confident and helping them to have a positive self -image.    

·          Kay