
Groupings is an interesting topic, because in some contexts I feel a great affinity for groups and in other contexts I despise them. Groupings can be work-based, ritualistic, social, or otherwise. Whether we like it or not, groups are necessary. In school we see the infamous group project over and over, preparing us for the group project that is adult life. At work, I am constantly collaborating with other departments and my own team to work towards the shared goal of fulfilling our company’s vision. Often times there are speed bumps and conflicts that arise throughout the process, but ultimately group work is necessary.

In school, we are forced to work in groups to prepare us for the real world. Students often find this process frustrating, but they learn a lot from working in groups. Students learn conflict management, leadership skills and the ability to negotiate and collaborate with others. Group projects are also a great way to see  how successful each group member will be in her career. It is very obvious in group work who will slack off and who will lead the team.

Social groupings can also be key to the development of important life skills. Friend groups, youth groups, clubs and teams help young people socialize and develop important skills that can be beneficial for future employment. Networking is a big part of identifying and cultivating business relationships; without the proper social training this can be very hard for some people.

Overall, groups might be frustrating, but being a part of a group helps us grow and develop as individuals. By joining and participating in groups at a young age, people learn important career skills that will take them far in their adult lives.

                                                              - Bria