When I think of the word “security,” it prompts a lot of concepts in my mind. Financial security, job security, relationship security, security of one’s self. All of these are important regarding leadership. As the head of a team or a company, you must provide a certain level of security to those who work under you. If you are not able to provide this security, then your employees are more likely to leave or look for other work. When you as a leader are secure, you have more of an ability to provide that same sense of security and stability to those around you. 

We have talked about various personality traits that are important for leaders to possess. I think one of the most important things a leader can be is secure in one’s self. In my opinion, an insecure leader cannot effectively inspire and motivate employees. Security translates to confidence. A confident leader is a more decisive leader. When employees witness a confident leader making solid decisions and standing behind his or her own choices, that will provide security and inspire passion and confidence in their own work. 

As a leader, you will often be asked to make financial decisions regarding your company. This might come in the form of approving annual budgets, making emergency spending allocations, or deciding amounts for charitable giving and corporate social responsibility efforts. It is crucial that you contribute to the financial security of the company rather than jeopardize it. This not only will positively affect you, but everyone that works for the company. Making thoughtful, rational decisions regarding finances will give your company the financial security that it needs to be successful. 

Finally, leaders must be secure in their relationships. Often times as a leader, you are the one that is maintaining major relationships with investors, partners, and clients. Confidence and security in these relationships will translate to a deep trust that will be ultimately beneficial for your company as well as yourself. All in all, security is incredibly important for good leadership. It is pervasive into every area of your work and it is easy to notice when a leader lacks security. One way to start working on your own security is to work on your self-esteem. To have others believe in you, you must first believe in yourself.

-        Bria