This one is also a biggie!  It can make or destroy an organization.  Leaders can work against it with every ounce of effort possible, but one person can keep all of that work from being enough.  And the biggest aid to the problem-conscious?  The Internet.  It is a 24/7 source of reasons to be upset. 

     There was a teacher at our school at one point who told her students not to come to her with their problems, but instead come with their idea for a solution.  For example, “I forgot my pencil” becomes “I forgot my pencil, but I see one over there.  Can I borrow it?”  Good idea!

     If we teach our children to solve their own small problems, they become problem-solvers.  Then when they have a problem, instead of griping and moaning, they start solving.  We, of course, must teach them when it is time to reach out for help in that solution, but that is the natural next step after teaching them to solve small problems.  If you do this faithfully, rather than solving every little issue for your child, your teen will become part of the solution to his own and possibly the world’s problems!
