“Unplugging” is something that is going to become increasingly difficult to do as we become a more connected world. The place I work gives me the opportunity to see and experience cutting edge connected devices. IoT, connected homes and smart assistants are becoming more and more common and the future will see even more of this type of technology.

In many ways this innovative technology brings with it a lot of exciting capabilities. The problem with the increase in smart devices is that it is much harder to unplug. Unplugging from time to time is important for our mental health, personal relationships and ability to take a break. For me, I see unplugging in two categories: unplugging as a social/gaming addict, and unplugging as a workaholic. In general, you can apply these categories to different age groups, but there are exceptions.

For kids, and younger people it is easy to become obsessed with technology whether it be gaming, social media or binge-watching television on streaming services. Between your phone, your tablet and your laptop (assuming most kids have at least two out of three), it is hard to put the technology away. Even when we manage to set the phone down, notifications pull us back in.

There is a similar issue with people who cannot leave their work at work. Many of us have our work emails connected to our personal phones and computers. This means that even after we leave the office, we will still receive email notifications to our phones. This makes it incredibly difficult to unplug because we can get pulled right back into work with just one email notification.

Both of these examples are incredibly common and contribute to a lot of larger issues in our lives. It’s important to find ways to unplug and invest in your personal relationships in the real world. This is the time of year where we come together and celebrate with our family. Take the time this holiday season to unplug and invest time with your family face to face.


-       Bria