We’ve talked about the importance of hard work and how working hard will help you get ahead in your career. What we haven’t discussed as much is enjoying the work along the way. We hear this idea over and over again - that if you like what you are doing, it won’t feel like work. This is slightly idealistic, but the intention is correct. It is easier to motivate yourself to work hard if you are doing something you enjoy. 


To get to a point in which you are happy with the job you are doing, you must pick a career path that will bring you happiness. Working with upperclassmen, I understand that sometimes it takes some time to narrow down career options. Students have to filter through what their parents want for them, what their teachers want for them, what society wants for them, and what they think they should want for themselves. It’s only after filtering out everyone else’s opinions that we can actually start to narrow what the student might be interested in. Now, many times students will still go on to change their career trajectories at a later date, but I think it is really important to this seriously about what you will do with your life. A problem occurs when people do not put in the work to seriously think about what will make them happy. Perhaps a pushy parent has led them into a certain career because of the assumed financial stability. Similarly, some people make choices that aren’t completely aligned with what they want to do because they feel like it is safer or the right thing to do. 


When you make compromises or do not try hard enough to find the right career match for yourself, it is going to be harder to push yourself to work hard in that job. On the flipside, you have the chance to fulfill the notion of doing something you love and never working a day in your life. These are two extremes, and most of us find ourselves somewhere in the middle. Some days we love what we are doing and feel like we are making a difference in the world, and sometimes we are ready to walk out the door and never come back. So, how do you motivate yourself on the days where it does not feel like your dream job? The answer is that you have to look at the pros and cons. Think about the good things about your job and compare them to the negative aspects. In this practice, you will often find that the good outweighs the bad, and you can enjoy the process of working hard in light of those good things. If you find yourself in a situation where the bad outweighs the good or the good and bad are fairly equal, it is probably time for you to think about your next career move. 


I truly believe that people who are hard workers will continue to work hard until something negative impacts their sense of security or worth in a job. If you are a traditionally hard worker and something has happened at your job that takes the joy out of your work, it is okay to move on to something else. Work is important, but it is not the only thing that matters. Too often in our society, we are told to stick it out and do our dues. While there are certain things that are inherent to being young in the workforce, you should not stay in a job that makes you unhappy. 


Once you put in the work to find a job that truly suits you, the work won’t feel as oppressive. You can go to work feeling positive about your role and do everything to the best of your abilities because you feel good about your work. If you are a student, start thinking now about what really makes you happy. Finding the right job for you is a great step towards putting 100% into everything you do.

-          Bria